Alabaré’s Homes for Veterans provides supported accommodation to British Armed Forces Veterans who are homeless or at risk of becoming homeless. The Charity believes that no veteran should be forced to sleep rough. To do this the wonderful team in H4V fundraise, run and continue to support a number of veterans’ ‘houses’ across the United Kingdom, specifically: Wiltshire, Hampshire, Gloucestershire, Devon, Dorset as well as North and South Wales.
Alabare aim to end homelessness for Veterans by providing a pathway of accommodation and support to enable a successful transition to civilian life. Experience shows that Veterans making the tough transition to civilian life progress better when helped by people who understand service life and the challenges they face. Problems can include Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, mental and physical ill health, addictions, debt issues, relationship breakdown and finding a new career. Each resident draws up a support plan with their key worker, based on individual needs. Residents take turns with housework and cooking communal meals, helping to foster a feeling of camaraderie.